How is the use of milk after fish?

How is the use of milk after fish?

Since Childhood, I have heard that after eating fish, I should not drink milk. However, it is not given to any importance in the period of time because medical experts say that there is no reality in this matter.

According to experts, the use of fish and milk together does not get any proof of any kind of damage or medical, it is just a story, the loss of these two food items can only be a situation. Be allergic to any of the fish or milk.

According to experts, both nutrition and usefulness should be seen. Both milk and milk are high-protein and complete foods. They can be used together to get rid of weakness after any disease.

Experts say that both the foods should be digested properly, if the fish remains raw or the milk is not boiled properly, the risk of infection is digested, in which the itching or food is not digested. Includes.

Using milk with fish yes or no?

After eating fish, the use of milk is not dangerous, but the use of both these foods is not known as special for health, especially for those who are weak in their stomach or power.

According to experts, if it is not very important, both of them should avoid using it together.