I already passed my step-2 cs

Scored 261/90 in my USMLE Step-1 Exam
Hello friends, I am IMG and got my step-1 results last Wednesday and finally achieved my dream score of 261/90 in USMLE giant. I studied with a target of 250+ but with god grace and family and friends support i did it. Big thanks to usmleforums4u website.

I already passed my step-2 cs exam in February 2012 and you can read here my usmle step-2 cs experience. I gave my step-2 cs exam well before step-1 and now gearing towards step-2 ck exam.

I will just brief my preparation time and NBME scores and if you have any qs then i will answer. I will try to be active in this forum as promised earlier.

My Study materials

Kapaln step-1 notes
Kaplan MedEssentials (Reference only)
FA 2012 ( Mostly)
Goljan RR Pathology 3rd Edition along with kaplan
BRS Physiology along with Kaplan
HY Neuroanatomy
HY Gross Anatomy
BRS Behavior science
CMMRS Microbiology (Reference)

My Step-1 Q banks-

Advice: Do Kaplan or USMLE Rx initially while 1st Read and later do UW Q bank

USMLE Rx (Half)
Kaplan Q Bank (Selected subjects for practice)
UW Q Bank ( Excellent Source)

My NBME scores

NBME-13=236 ( 2 months before exam)
NBME-11=255 ( 1 month before exam)
NBME-12=259 (1 week before exam)
Other NBME just did like practice qs which is highly recommended.

Final Real Exam score=261/90

I will answer your questions if any. I will be back soon. Thanks and am still in euphoria

Bottom Line: I am average student and don’t know many usmle concepts before my step-1.Thanks to usmle exams which helped me in improving my knowledge in applying basic science concepts in clinical scenarios. Anyone can break usmle if they study with proper study plan sticking with self discipline.