I am studying Obg for the first time.Still havent studied about endometrial hyperplasia

I am studying Obg for the first time.Still havent studied about endometrial hyperplasia and ca in detail.

Why endometrial ablation is a contraindicator for endometrial hyperplasia or carcinoma when the female doesnt want to conceive later. For post menopausal bleeding females if they have end hyperplasia or ca. Why?

Mam Sakshi Arora. Please explain

Also After endometrial ablation if the patient requires HRT giving oestrogen alone why is that a problem of hyperplasia or cancer when the entire endometrium is removed?

Thinking estrogen proliferates the superficial layer of endometrium only in general. If it can proliferate the zona baslis also in general then this question is solved.

In endometrial cancer ,wat abt metastatis

Endometrial ablation means just removing the endometrium whereas stage 1 a of endometrial cancer itself means involvement of endometrium and less than half of myometrium … so what about myometrium

Cancer is not treated like thus