I decided to start my journey with the Steps

UW first pass: 65,50%

UW second pass: 88%

NBME 7: 254 (162/184)

NBME 8: 241 (156/184)

NBME 6: 230 (158/184)

UWSA 1: 254 (76,90%)

Step Free 120 (old): 90%

UWSA 2: 251 (75%)

Step 2 Free 120 (new): 78%

Step 2 (Jul-20): 243

Hello, guys.

The information above is what most people search for in this process. It’s kind of a thermometer and, as some of you have showed your cases in here, I felt that I should also share with you. That’s why I put them first.

Well, from now on, if you want to read, feel free. I’ll try to be concise.

My formation background is:

  • 2006: med school graduation

  • 2007 – 2009: general surgery residency

  • 2009 – 2011: head and neck surgery residency

A brief history of my life:

  • Married, with 2 children.

  • In the US almost 2 years because my wife was transferred to the headquarters of the company she has worked for.

At the beginning of our lives in the US we were not sure if we would get used to here, but, after a while, we saw that our children adapted so easily to the new culture.

So, I decided to start my journey with the Steps.

I graduated in 2006 (yes, I’m a super old graduate!); then, I needed to take a course in order to relearn and learn a lot of subjects which I’d forgotten. I took the Step 1 online Kaplan course (from January till April 2019). It took me 10 months to prepare for Step 1. Real deal: 232.

Resources used for Step 1:

  • Kaplan course and Kaplan Biochemistry videos (I could only understand biochemistry with Professor Sam Turco)

  • Kaplan Qbank

  • First aid Step 1

  • UW

  • Sketchy Micro

  • NBME

Then, I took 2 months break.

From February till July 2020 (4 months and a half) I studied for Step 2CK.

Resources used for Step 2CK:

  • UW

  • First aid Step 1: this has become my Step’s “bible”

  • First aid Step 2CK: I only read Cardiology and OBGyn

  • NBME

I wish I could have scored better but I realized that it would take too long to increase my score (in both Steps). I think that studying more 1 or 2 months don’t change the scores.

Besides that, I’m not as young as most of you; so, I wanted to finish this process within 1 year and a half.

I know that there are too many successful reports, like people scoring more than 250 (Congratulations to all of you!!!). We all want to achieve high grades. So, this is another reason I wanted to write you: there are people who don’t get above 250. And this is one case that you can have as a parameter while in this process.

I hope you all have excellent scores and a fantastic future.

Good luck.

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