I did U world SIM 2 and got 210 on July 14, 192 in NBME 20 on July 25

I did U world SIM 2 and got 210 on July 14, 192 in NBME 20 on July 25.

My target is 235.

Therefore, I went through the FA with notes again this month.

Now, I feel that I am not ready, however, I am kind of exhausted.

I have dedicated to studying step 1 for a year.

Sometimes I want to take the exam and get it over with.

However, I am terrified to get 210 on the real exam.

Now, my exam is scheduled in a week.

What should I do next?

Should I take another NBME to see whether I can get 230?

Should I postpone the exam until I feel that I am ready?

Any advice appreciated.