I plan to apply for specialty programs in UK

I plan to apply for specialty programs in UK, I think next round will start from August 2021. I am a GP working in Norway and I will be exempt from PLAB exams and by taking OET exam, I can get full registration. To get the full registrtrion, it is imporant that my family has moved to UK. I assume that I can obtain the full registration by the end of year 2020. My question is that if there are any type of jobs that I can work without having registration and what type of job is good after I have GMC registration? We will be based in either Glasgow or Edinburg.
I dont want to be encouraging, just to opening your eyes I would say this is not a wise move, I had to do the same and I am regretful. though not from Norway, but from another EU country I did the same. UK salary is lower and economicaly is extremly poorer than north european countries particularly Norway and your residency pathway is blocked unless you try hard. Also you see unbelievable poverty and dirty places and rude aggressive behaviour and awful driving that you don’t used to it in Norway. If you have no choice and made your decision, you can do phlebotomy or so without registration, then after getting GMC you can do SHO, ST1/2, CT1/2 and clinical fellow, you earn around 35k that is lower than annually income of fishman in small village of Norway, although things are very cheaper than where you come from. Good Luck