If we want to cut the ten in one, we say to be a doctor who will throw God in secret and public

Dear Doctor,

Ten Points, I wrote them from more than ten years of experience in my field, if you believe in them, you become a special doctor, I will give you as a sentence, not in order or forbidden:

1-you don’t care about the health of your opinion as much as your patient, because your fear that your patient will be hurt is more than your fear that your opinion is wrong.
If necessary, express your views with a colleague without challenging his knowledge or motivation, in his absence before his presence.
3-don’t pretend to be the one who knows people in your field even if you think so for sure.
4-don’t talk about treating your patient in his absence except what you talk to him in front of him.
5-do not spread a secret to your patient only to those who should know from colleagues.
6-don’t ask for a test only and explain to your patient or relatives why you request the examination.
7-don’t ask for a test unless you have a treatment plan based on its result, if there is no plan, don’t ask for it!
Make sure that your colleagues from nurses and other specialties know and understand the treatment plan.
9-take care of every small and large in your patient’s profile.
10-make sure to listen fully to the questions of your patient and his relatives, and respect their wishes in no conflict.

If we want to cut the ten in one, we say to be a doctor who will throw God in secret and public.