Question-- A 9 months old boy has recurrent infections. Blood investigations reveals very low levels of immunoglobulin ( IgM, Ig G and Ig A). What is the most common organisms found in this patient.

A. Salmonella

B. Chlamydiae

C. Myocobaterium

D. Enterovirus

E. Herpes zoster

Question – A 4 years old boy was brought to accident and emergency with history of fever and seizures. She was diagnosed as having second episode of meningococcal meningitis. What is the best next lab test?

A. CH 50

B. Immunoglobulin test

C. T- cell stimulation test

D. HIV test

E. Nitroblue tetrazolium test

Question – A 9 months old boy was admitted in the hospital with recurrent infection. Lab reports shows:
Leucocyte counts-- Normal
B cells -------------- Absent
Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM and IgE)---- Less than normal

What is the most likely diagnosis:

A. X -linked agammagliobunemia

B. Chonic granulomatous disease

C. Leucocyte adhesion deficiency

D. Severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome

E. Wiskott Aldrich syndrome

Question – A 9 months old boy presents with recurrent loose motions and malabsorption.
Lab reports–
Hb- 100 g/l
WBC counts-- 880/mm3
Platelets – 220000/mm3
Most likely diagnosis is

A. Diabetes mellitus

B. Sepsis

C. Shwachman- Diamond syndrome

D. Tuberculosis

E. Cystic Fibrosis

Question – A child is suffering from recurrent meningococcal sepsis. He was discuss in morning grand round. What is the most likely defect in the baby.

A. Immunoglobulin abnormality

B. T cell defect

C. Neutrophil defect

D. Complement defect

E. Eosinophil defect