Important clinical informations about febrile seizures in children

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⬅️ Today’s girl is talking about seizures that happen to children between the ages of 6 months to 5 years old… They often appear between the ages of 12 to 18 months…

⬅️ This disease is about spasms due to rapid temperature increase and often due to a viral or bacterial infection of course viral is the most common viral…

⬅️ The febrile seizures are the most common cramps in children occurring with 2-5 % of children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years.

🔴Symptoms :

His symptoms are:


The vibration…

👉Loss of consciousness

A blackout…

👉child may get very stiff or twitch in just one area of the body

Sclerosis in a particular area of the body…


Fever and this fever is over 38 and rising fast…

👉Foam from mouth

Foam out of the mouth…



⬅ Ok, we have two types of febrile seizures, and we must differentiate between them:

  1. simple

  2. complex

Ok how do we differentiate!!️

👈 The simple only lasts from seconds to 15 minutes… Also comes one shift per day only… Generalized means spasms in the whole body…

👈 The complex lasts for more than 15 minutes and the child has more than one shift per day… focal means cramps in a particular area of the body…

🔵Causes :


👈 The main reason is to increase the temperature of the child and high temperature is due to either infection, vaccine or genetic cause…

👈 The infection is due to viral and it is more common than bacterial as we mentioned like the flu and also the virus that causes roseola and also the chickenpox, middle ear infection and tonsillitis and also possible for infection cause meningitis or encephalitis which causes heat Its… While vaccines are like a known triple vaccine that is a tetanus vaccine with whooping cough can cause cramps but this is rare…

❗ But an important note if a seizure occurs after giving the bottom, it only happens once and never happens again…

🔺Complications :


➡️Recurrent febrile seizures…

Bringing diet cramps back is one of the most important complications of the disease…

!? How do we expect that a child will receive Recurrent febrile seizures via several points:

👈 If the first bout of diet spasms before the age of 18 months for the baby…

👈 There is a family genetics for epilepsy and cramps in the family…

👈 Before the first spasms, the child had a fever that lasted less than an hour or had a temperature below 40 drjh.

👈 If the child originally has complex febrile seizures…

⬅ Simple does not cause brain damage, but the complex can cause harm and be with the child chronic epilepsy…

🔶Diagnosis :

👈 Of course the diagnosis is one of the symptoms and duration of the spasms and also we use the lumbar puncture to see if the child has meningitis or encephalitis, which is about taking a sample of CSF spinal cord fluid…

Can we use the


To measure brain electricity…

✅Treatment :

👈 The first thing we follow in case there is a bout of diet spasms in the child, we keep anything away from him beside him so that he doesn’t harm himself and leave his body on the side and raise his head so that he doesn’t swallow his tongue…

👈 The second thing is necessary, we are looking to cause high temperature, for example, if the cause of the rise is bacterial meningitis, here we give antibiotics to meningitis…

⬅ We come to meds:

👈 We give help medicines, which are thermometers, these medicines do not protect against seizure, but only relieve fever, which are medicines such as:



❗ But an important note we don’t give the aspirin to children because it will cause a problem called reyes syndrome which is a deadly problem for the child…

👈 anticonvulsant meds:

When do we give these medicines if the condition complex and anxiety in the child is high and severe, but if the condition is simple, we often need to use them… due to its side effects and from these medicines:




And this medicine is less side effect than Diazepam…

⬅ These medicines are given at the beginning of the emergence of fever to reduce cramps but are never used as a protection against cramps… Preferably, these medicines are not given until after consultation with pediatrician.

👈 There are other medicines used in simple to reduce the possibility of another seizure such as:


👉 Primidon

👉Valproic acid

⬅ But it is not preferable to give to children because of its side effects and it is used only after consultation with children…

❗ One last note… The febrile seizures is not considered epilepsy, but it is seizure disorder… but it can turn into epilepsy especially if complex…

🖊️📚Patient education :

👉Parents should be taught what to do if their child has another seizure.

👉The parent should be advised to call for assistance if the seizure lasts longer than 10 minutes or if the postictal period lasts longer than 30 minutes.

👉Parents should be counseled on the benign nature of febrile seizures.

👉Parents should be reassured that simple febrile seizures do not lead to neurologic problems or developmental delay.

References :

*American collage of clinical pharmacist…ACCP…

*American collage of pediatrics…ACP…

*American academy of family physicians…AAFP…

*National institutes of health…NIH…

*National center for biotechnology information…NCBI…

*Kids health organization…

*Child neurology foundation…

*Mayoclinic organization…