Impotrant terms we should know

:dizzy:DPT Vaccine​:dizzy:

Impotrant terms we should know:

:arrow_forward:DTaP : diphteria ,tetanus toxoid and
a cellular pertusis vaccine .

:arrow_forward:DTwP: diphteria ,tetanus toxoide and whole cellular pertusis vaccine.

:arrow_forward:DT : diphteria and tetanus toxoid vaccine ,also called pedia DT .

:arrow_forward:Td aP: tetanus toxoid ,reduced diphteria toxoid and a cellular pertusis vaccine.

:arrow_forward:Td :tetanus toxoid and reduced diphteria toxoid, also called adult Td or Dt .


:leaves:5 doses of dtap IM below 7years age are

recommended by WHO, CDC and also in USA

at 2month ,4 month ,6month, 15 through 18

month and fifth dose through 4years to 6 years

provided that the fourth dose had more than 6

months interval .

:four_leaf_clover:older children more than 7years and adults

should receivr Td or Td ap at 11to 12 years of life .

:blossom:Side Effects​:blossom::

:wilted_flower:Soreness or swelling where shot was given.

:wilted_flower:Fever and irritability

:wilted_flower:Loss of appetite ,vomiting and rare anohylactic reaction.

:cat:Guidance specific to a cellular pertusis vaccine :cat::

:arrow_forward:patient who developed encephalopathy ,coma or prolonged seizures not attributable to another identifiable cause within 7 days of administration of dtp or dtap.

:arrow_forward:you might administer a cellular pertusis vaccin once mangement regiment and condition is stable in case of infantile spasm and progressive enceohalopathy.

:rose:Guidance specific to dtap :rose::

:arrow_forward:temperature out of 105F or higher than 40.5c within 48 hours after vacvination with previous dose of dtp .

:arrow_forward:collapse or shock like state within 48 hours of dtp or dtap.

:arrow_forward:seizurs within 3days of intak of dtp or dtap .

:arrow_forward:persistane of inconsable crying lasting 3 hours or more within 48 hours o f vaccine intake.

:arrow_forward:patient who had Gullian Barre syndrom within 6weeks of previous dtp or dtap.

:bamboo:Catch Up​:bamboo::

Minimum interval between doses :
:arrow_forward:dose 1and dose 2 is 4 weeks .
:arrow_forward:dose2to dose 3 is 4weeks.
:arrow_forward:dose 3to dose 4 is 6 months and the minimum age of this fourth dose is 12months .
:arrow_forward:dose 4to 5 is 6months and this fifth dose is not necessary if the fourth dose given at 4years of age or more.
:arrow_forward:maximum numbers of doses in children less than 7years : should not receive more than 6 doses because of concerns about advese reactions.

:whale2:Conditions non contraindications of dtp :whale2::

1_Fever less than 40.5 C or 105 F ,fusiness and mild drowziness after previous dpt vaccine ,as it is common adverse effect of dpt.

2_Family history of seizure .

3_Family history of sibling with seizure after dpt vaccine.

4_ Stable neurological conditions as cerebral palsy, well controlled seizures and developmental delay .

:tulip:CDC and Up to date.