Infant Skull Fracture Causes of Fractures

Infant Skull Fracture
Causes of Fractures

Most causes of fractures in newborns result from the use of instruments during delivery. Instruments are more likely to be used during a difficult labor, so skull fractures are more common when labor is difficult, goes on for a long time, or includes some type of complication. This could include an unusually large baby or breech birth.

in some cases, lead to fractures.
》Linear Skull Fractures
》Depressed Skull Fractures
》Diastatic Skull Fractures

Minor fractures may not be detected in a newborn. In most cases these are just small, linear fractures, which heal with time and cause no lasting damage. More severe fractures, on the other hand, may cause symptoms. For instance, a depressed fracture may cause a misshapen appearance to the baby’s head or it may appear as a lump.

A fracture may also cause damage that is associated with #seizures, #listlessness, bleeding, or bruising.

To assess whether a newborn has suffered a brain fracture a doctor may order imaging scans.
These may include X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs. The images can help a doctor see breaks in the bone, bleeding, pressure on the brain, or swelling of the brain. A doctor may also perform simpler examinations before ordering an image, such as a comprehensive neurological exam.

Treatment for an infant skull fracture depends on the type of fracture, the severity, and any complications it is causing. In most instances, the only treatment is to simply observe and to continue to test the child and image the head

Most skull fractures that occur during childbirth are not serious and heal easily. Rarely skull fractures can be more serious and cause lasting complications.

Skull fractures can also put pressure on the brain or cause bleeding in the brain, potentially serious complications. Bleeding, also known as a hemorrhage can cause brain damage.

Overall the #prognosis for a child born with a fractured skull is good. Most will not require treatment and most will have no long-term complications. For those few who do have complications, however, these can include brain damage, paralysis, neurological problems, developmental delays, and cognitive impairments.