Issue News optional tags



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Possible Reasons

  1. Not applying for enough jobs
  2. Not waiting long enough before losing hope
  3. Not working hard enough on NHS Jobs profile
  4. Recent clinical gaps

How to tackle this?

1A. If you are applying for jobs, please go through this group and check countless helpful blogs for tips.

1B. Check this group to get an estimate of the number of jobs you need to apply for and how long you need to wait for before you should get worried about not finding a job.

1C. If you still don’t find a job, post on this group and get help from those who have recently found jobs.

  1. There are countless doctors who are finding jobs. As soon as they find jobs, they can post their guidance on the group for others to benefit from.

P.S. People with recent clinical gaps do find jobs. But at times it can take them slightly longer than others to find jobs.