It is unclear if syphilis

It is unclear if #syphilis appeared de novo in the Old World, brought back from the New World by Columbus. There is some archaeological evidence that it might pre-date Columbus. It is possible that they brought back a new strain which manifested itself in a more virulent way to the unexposed immune systems of Europe. Certainly, there is plenty of evidence of penile ulcers, presumed to be venereal in the ancient and mediaeval world. John of Arderne (1307–1392) writing in the 14th Century gives treatments for gonorrhoea or chaude pisse (from the French for hot pee). The burning and swelling he says leads to “huge sorowe and prikkynge”. He recommends urethral injections of a variety of soothing herbs including purslane seed, water lily, parsley, oil of roses or violets, and even the milk of a nursing woman. He also suggests a scrotal support or “lytyll bagge” to prevent further swelling.