Just got my results don’t lose hope, it’s not about scores it’s about perseverance

Just got my results don’t lose hope, it’s not about scores it’s about perseverance.
Old grad, 2 kids, no step1 , amazing study partner ( who has become like family :heart:)
UWSA1 266
UWSA2 258
Real deal 261
Did online meded ( really good I could hear Dustin’s voice in the exam) uworld once offline plus 1 month online ( couldn’t do it a second time as I felt I was answering from memory) completed in 3.5 months then reviewed uw notes ( my own)
Then took first uwsa 266
Pastest q bank completed it.
Took my own notes I studied one topic from the uworld notes online but felt I was retaining info better from my notes, so stuck to my notes.
UW3 offline was beneficial I would recommend it and the latest CMS.
Good luck to all :heart: