Lateral Neck Mass in Adult

Lateral Neck Mass in Adult.


Carotid Body Tumor.


___ Findings :-

  • A well-defined homogenous hypoechoic mass.

  • Hypervascular on Doppler.

  • Centered on carotid bifurcation laterally in the neck.

  • Causing splaying of internal and external carotid arteries (Typical).

___ Opinion :-
CBT = Carotid Body Tumor = paragangloma = Glomus Caroticum.
DD :-

  • Glomus vagal
    (similar appearance, but more higher, displaying both ECA,ICA anterior - NO splaying of carotids).

  • Vagal Schwannoma
    (TAil sign suggesting schwannoma, in-between carotid and IJV - displaying IJV posterior).

  • Sympathetic Schwannoma
    (TAil sign suggesting schwannoma, displaying caotid and IJV anterior).

  • Pathologic LN.