Learning disorder may be scientifically in the fields of word identification

Why don’t I learn the lesson well?

Learning disorder may be scientifically in the fields of word identification, ed rock, read, calculate, mute master, spelling, or writing.

Arash is a 8nd and 8 year old student. He’s just having trouble in his dictation lesson as there’s a prostitution between his dictation score and his other lessons. For example, his dictation score usually swings between 5 and 12, while the score of other lessons including math is between 18 and 20 His teacher states that Arash is a natural sense of mind, as he proceed with other students in coordination lessons. Arash’s dictation mistakes have different types, for example, he makes similar letters wrong with each other (Muqazzah instead of a shop), he writes words as he hears (going instead of going, Pembe instead of cotton), writing upside down and flip writing (Water has water instead of dad) either removes a word or adds to it. Given the mentioned problems for Arash, the disorder of learning dictation is discussed. What this disorder is and what a way to solve it explains by Dr. Katayon Khushabi, psychiatrist.

● What is a learning disorder?

Learning disorder is a biological neurological disorder or a spell disorder that is created by brain function. Learning disorder may be scientifically in the fields of word identification, ed rock, read, calculate, mute master, spelling, or writing. Learning disorder is often dependent on the unusual function of the brain, especially the sphere of speech. A learning disorder that is diagnosed with the scientific field may also cause disorder in the fields of degradation. For example, the daily activities of a home person may be affected by the potential inability of memory, mute or problem solving. Additionally, it may have an undesirable impact on social communication because the weakness of the cognitive process causes him to think or behaviour to become wrong or crooked. Learning disorders may be linked to different modes such as overactive disorders, behavioral disorders, sensory inability or any clinical conditions.

● What is the reason for learning disorder?

Most studies have taken place in the field of reading disorders, which bring up a series of inheritance and environmental factors.

Genetics plays a important role in these disorders, experts say, in a number of cases similar to a child in dictating or reading in first-degree ethnicities, such as parents or second-degree paternal family. One of the theories still raised in learning disorders is not to remove laterals in a child. As it is determined at the end of 6, right handed or left handed in a child.

Naturally, right-handed, right-ear and right-eye children are superior (balling with right foot, hearing wristwatch with right ear, looking inside the tubed paper with right eye) in a number of children with learning disorders They are not going to be a side advantage, for example, they are left handed, right footed, left eye and right ear. If a child has a learning disorder and the side advantage is not determined, it’s best to create this side advantage with specific exercises. Other factors are also discussed in the cause of these disorders, which are not certain, but the visual and auditory memory of these children seems to have a disorder.

What are the types of learning disorders?

Learning disorders are a group of learning disorders that include 3 learning disorders in dictation, reading and math. A number of children who have dictating problems have reading disorders, and on the contrary, children who have problems with dictation. A total of 30 to 50 % of people suffer from unknown learning disorder and almost 3 million children between the ages of 6 and 18 have some learning disorders. The important thing is that these disorders are more in boys than girls. About half of learning disorders are classified in reading disorders, in most cases the beginning of learning disorder is determined in the time interval before elementary school to second grade. Starting before the first grade usually indicates a type of developmental delay in language, delay in learning new concepts at home or delay in performance, compared to preschool and kindergarten peers. Starting early in school usually turns out to be low grades and poor learning.

● How can you spot a learning disorder?

These children have natural consciousness, sound vision and hearing senses, and have relatively appropriate environmental and educational facilities. These children do not have severe emotional limitations, but despite this, in one or more fields, for example, dictation or reading lessons are lower than expectations with respect to the benefit of consciousness. To detect different types of learning disorders in the first grade, it must be at least 6 to 9 months from the beginning of the school year as many of the forms mentioned are considered in the beginning of natural literacy. To detect learning disorders, visiting a dictation, math and observing a child’s reading is mandatory, and if you have awareness of these disorders, teachers are the best reference for diagnosis.

● What are the math-related disorders?

In this disorder, the child acts exclusively despite having natural intelligence in math performance and the difference between math score and other lessons is clear. In every school degree, a child has a problem in acquiring math skills related to the same degree. Common problems in this group of children include not understanding mathematical terminology, not understanding mathematical actions and concepts, not knowing numerical symbols or grouping digits, not observing mathematical steps, counting objects, and learning multiplication table in skills that need to be concentrated such as copy Doing the numbers correctly and remembering the numbers. In a number of children with learning disorders and symptoms of lack of concentration, careless mistakes are also added to the symptoms of learning disorders. If there are all 2 learning disorders and lack of concentration, using dedicated medicines to increase concentration helps. Other mobile symptoms include anxiety, depression, lack of interest in doing school homework, and unwillingness to attend school due to reduced confidence in a child.

● How is this disorder treated?

Therapeutically, these children need special education, and the most effective way is to use auxiliary training. In Tehran, there are 2 special centers for learning disorders affiliated with the Education Organization and a number of private centers that have a special education program for this group of children. However, students with learning disorders are the most oppressed children in the education system, which is solved by early detection and timely treatment in many cases. With the right support and proper intervention, these children can be successful in school and be human beings in adulthood.