Malate shuttle is important in

Malate shuttle is important in

    1. Glycogenolysis
    1. Glycolysis
    1. Gluconeogenesis
    1. HMP shunt

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  • Most of the guides have given glycolysis as the answer. According to me, which is incorrect.
  • The most important function of malate shuttle is to transport cytosolic reducing equivalents (generated in glycolysis) into the mitochondria.
  • But, malate shuttle has no direct role in occurance of any reaction of glycolysis, i.e. malate shuttle does not take part in the glycolytic process itself. Its role is to generate ATP by transporting NADH into the mitochondria.
  • You can easily understand this by the fact that anaerobic glycolysis occurs without any participation of malate shuttle. Hence, presence or absence of malate shuttle has no direct effect on glycolytic process itself.
  • On the other hand, malate shuttle is directly involved in gluconeogenesis by transporting malate out of the mitochondria into the cytosnl. Thus without malate shuttle, gluconeogenesis cannot occurs.
  • Thus, malate shuttle is a part of gluconeogenic process while it is not a part of glycolytic process.

In short

  • Most important function of malate shuttle is to transport the reducing equivalents (generated in glycolysis) into the mitochondria.
  • Malate shuttle is not a part of glycolytic process itself
  • Malate shuttle is a part of gluconeogenic process.