Male child, recurrent UTI—Diagnosis

Male child, recurrent UTI—Diagnosis
 Old male, tiredness, fatigue, back pain, nocturia, dribbling, raised BP 160, increased urea
and creatinine, potassium raised, calcium 1.9, Hb low, PSA 4.5—Diagnosis
 Infecting organism after transurethral resection of the prostate
 Patient with haematuria after RTA—Investigation
 Woman with urinary frequency and urgency, haematuria and protein on dipstick—
 Patient who wants to go the bathroom, but urinates before—Cause of the problem
 Scenario of purple urine bag, nitrites negative, protein positive—Intervention
 Patient who underwent surgery for endometriosis then presents with urine flows—
 Female patient who presents with urine leaks when coughs—Intervention
 Patient with intermittent haematuria, PSA >15—Diagnosis
 Patient with penile ulcers, painful—Diagnosis
 Sexually active man, intermittent pain in scrotum, now presents with pain for 4hrs,