MC variety of endometrial cancer

  1. MC variety of endometrial cancer -adenocarcinoma

  2. MC malignant variety of endometrial carcinoma :
    clear cell ca and papillary serous tumor

  3. 1st investigation done in case of endometrial ca-Endometrial aspiration biopsy

  4. Best investigation for diagnosing endometrial ca- Hysteroscopy and biopsy

  5. In all gynaecological ca FIGO system followed except in ca vulva where both FIGO and TNM staging can be done

6.Staging for endometrial ca is surgical i.e TAH with BSO with pelvic and paraaortic lymphnode dissection being performed @ time of sx only

  1. Most characteristic histological finding in clearcell type of endometrial cancer : Hobnail cells

  2. Referred pain in endometrial cancer to hypogastrium or both iliac fossa is simpsons pain