Most common severe ocular complication of AIDS → CMV retinitis

Most common severe ocular complication of AIDS → CMV retinitis

:small_blue_diamond:Most common cause of T.B. in HIV → Mycobacterium tuberculosis

:small_blue_diamond:Most common cause of C.N.S. infection in AIDS → Toxoplasmosis

:small_blue_diamond:Most common cause of seizures in HIV → Toxoplasmosis

:small_blue_diamond:Most common cause of meningitis in HIV → Cryptococcus

:small_blue_diamond:Most common fungal infection in AIDS → Candida

:small_blue_diamond:Most common cause of oral ulcer in AIDS → Candida

:small_blue_diamond:Most common viral infection in AIDS → HSV

:small_blue_diamond:Most common cause of genital lesion in AIDS → HSV

:small_blue_diamond:Commonest helminthic infection in AIDS → Strongyloides stercoralis

:small_blue_diamond:Most common cause of diarrhoea in AIDS → Cryptosporidium

:small_blue_diamond:Most common cause of pneumonia in AIDS → Pneumococcus

:small_blue_diamond:HIV infects most commonly→ CD4 cells+Helper cells

:small_blue_diamond:HIV infects characteristically→ CD4 cells+Macrophages

:small_blue_diamond:Most common late CNS complication of HIV is→Dementia

:small_blue_diamond:The most common, or “classical”, type of HIV-associated nephropathy is
→collapsing variant of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)