MRCP part 1 is being tougher day by day

MRCP part 1 is being tougher day by day…
★In Diet 2018/2, pass mark was 528, passing rate 40% average (non uk around 37%).4 Q pulled out due to poor performance. Mininum 118 Q should be correct to pass.

★From Diet 2018/3, pass mark was changed to 540, passing rate 43% average (non uk around 37% as before).5 Q was pulled out due to poor performance. Mininum 120Q should be correct to passing this Diet.

★★ I have passed in Diet 2018/2, and Thought many students in online.
The Question pattern is also changed from previous diets.
Lots of MRCP part 2 standard Questions were given in this Two Diets of part 1.

So, Read carefully.
Read with structured pattern.
Take suggestions from Latest passed guys.

Thank u.
@Dr. Ataullah