My advice to you all:

My advice to you all:

*Do Plabable twice minimum alongside with Swammy / Samson notes
*Make your own pointers when doing Plabable for the first time

  • Please don’t do rote learning …read the related explaination and the topic explaination given on a separate page for the given topic.
    *Do free Plabable webinar…for ECG and ABGs with Dr Hassan Askari
    *Go through Plabable mocks… mandatory
    *If you have time then go thru Swammy / Samson latest mocks.
    *Can go through recalls esp the recent ones if you want to.
    "The first 100 questions will be tough…with multiple drugs interactions,lab values and for some asking for the strength of drugs!!!
    *Don’t worry …keep calm n composed n keep going on …
    *Keep your focus on the question you are doing rather than the previous one
  • The last 100/ 80 questions are likely to be easy and from the material which is covered in Plabable…go through them with the "speed of lightning":stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
  • There will be some questions(2 in our case) based on ECG…so don’t forget to cover ECG
    *There has been a question with image on Infective endocarditis coming …( image of Janeway lesions in feet) so pls cover that topic
    *4 questions on Genetics…the pedigree for various diseases…pls go through Genetics thoroughly!!