Neurology Short Case Clues:

Neurology Short Case Clues:

PES cavus + Absent ankle reflexes & down going plantars is Charcot Marie

PES cavus + Absent ankle reflexes & up going plantars is a Fredrick’s Ataxia

Lower motor leg weakness with no wasting and no sphincter involvement is acute GB (AIDP).

Lower motor leg weakness with wasting and sphincter sparing is CIDP or neuropathy. Neuropathy usually has mixed sensory and motor signs and follows rule of length which means that by the time it reaches close to knee, it starts involving hands.

Lower motor leg weakness with sphincter involvement is Cauda Equina (patchy sensory and motor deficit which is L2 -S4) or Lumbar spinal cord pathology due to necrotising myelitis.

Spastic legs with normal upper limbs is thoracic cord.
Spastic legs with Flaccid upper limbs is cervical cord.
Spastic legs and spastic upper limbs is cervical cord above C5 or brain stem.
Spastic legs, spastic upper limbs and Flaccid tongue is medulla
Spastic legs, spastic upper limbs and spastic tongue is pons or above and (Exaggerated jaw jerk would means lesion above pons).