Neurons are the basic( functional and structual) unit of our nervous system

A neuron ( also called neurone or nerve cell) is a cell that carris electrical impulses.
Neurons are the basic( functional and structual) unit of our nervous system.

Every neuron is made of a cell body( also called Soma or Cyton), dendrites and an Axon.
Dendrites and axons are nerve fibers.
There are about 86 billion neurons in the human brain, which comprises roughly 10 persent of all brain cells.
Human brain has roughly 16 billion neurons in the cerebral cortex.
The neurons are supported by glial cells and astrocytes.

Neurons are connected to one another and tissues.
They do not touch each other, instead they form tiny gaps called Synapses.
These gaps can be chemical synapses or electrical synapses and pass the signal from one neuron to the next.

By Cannection

There are three classes of neurons: afferent neurons, and interneurons.

  1. Afferent neurons carry information from tissues and organs into the central nervous system.
  2. Efferent neurons transport signals from the central nervous system to the effector cells.
  3. Internervous connect neurons within the central nervous system.

By Function

  1. Sensory neurons carry signals from sense organs to the spinal cord and brain.
  2. Relay neurons carry messages between sensory or motor neurons system.
  3. Motor neurons carry signals from CNS to muscles, motor neurons are connected to the relay neurons.
    The signal passes between the neurons via synapses.
    Synapses are microscopic voids between cells where chemicals are released from the axon terminal of one cell to specialized chemical receptors on the dendrite of the receiving Mohd imtyaz