News about Cuba's medical service is coming

News about Cuba’s medical service is coming. An event that reminds me at this time. I was one of the CBI (M) Representatives of the Cuba support conference in 2015 Representatives from all over the world participated in amma country. A young doctor participated in Japan as representative in amma country. When he spoke, the news he surprised everyone. He wants to be a doctor since he was young. Even though he is best in education, he should spend more for medical studies in Japan. He based on simple family, he has no facility to study medicine in Japan. In a newspaper when his dream would not come true, a news about medical student admission in Cuba’s Havana University. The Japanese youth applied for that. He also wrote the entrance exam online. At the end of the exam he came to win. He got the call to join the medical studies. He has only confused. I doubt how much amount will be paid. Contacting the university and asks how much fees should be paid. Advice was advised to come first. He also joined. First he gets a doctor and then he went to Japan and worked as a doctor. We were surprised when he was surprised when he said that he was not spending a single money based on Japan without spending a free medical education, free medical education, free hostel facility, free food. This is the secret of success of socialist Cuba.