Passed my Plab 2 exam today. I was very much confused when I booked my exam about which academy to go to

Passed my Plab 2 exam today.
I was very much confused when I booked my exam about which academy to go to. After lots of thinking and advices from friends, I decided to go to Swamy. The course was good and I learned to unlearn which is THE BIGGEST step and also the FIRST step for plab 2. I had good 5 weeks post classes which was too much tbh. 3 weeks are more than enough.
I used to read here that it’s all about interpersonal skills but trust me it’s not only about that…you just have to be human. You err, you say sorry…you don’t know something, you refer to your books. Just say in the exam. It actually works.
Best of luck to all those who are going to take their exam in the future. Just be human and be honest. It will pay you off for sure !