Patients with Burkitt's lymphoma?

Burkitt’s lymphoma is characterized by the rapid proliferation of non-cleaved B cell lymphocytes. Which chromosomal translocation is commonly found in patients with Burkitt’s lymphoma?
a. t(8;14)
b. t(14;18)
c. t(14;21)
d. t(21:22)
e. Trisomy 21

Correct answer
a. t(8;14)


correct answer: A
The 8 to 14 translocation is well known to cause cases of Burkitt’s lymphoma by interfering with normal function of the c-myc gene (normally present on chromosome 8). Other possibilities include t(2;8) and t(8;22).
t(14;18) causes follicular B cell lymphomas. t(14;21) and t(21;22) are examples of a Robertsonian translocations (involving chromosome 21) which cause Down Syndrome. Trisomy 21 causes Down Syndrome and is not a translocation