Peau D' organge appearance of the mammary skin is due to

Peau D’ organge appearance of the mammary skin is due to :

    1. Intra-epithelial cancer
    1. Sub-epidermal cancer
    1. Lymphatic permeation
    1. Vascular embolisation

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  • Phenomena resulting from lymphatic obstruction in advanced breast cancer

Peau d’ orange

  • Peau d’ orange is due to cutaneous lymphatic edema, where the infiltrated skin is tethered by the sweat ducts, it cannot swell, leading to an appearance like orange skin. occasionally it may be seen in chronic abscess.


  • is infiltration of the skin with carcinoma


  • it’s a rare complication of lymphodema with an onset many years following the treatment.
  • it takes the form of multiple subcutaneous nodules in the upper limb and must be distinguished from recurrent carcinoma of the breast