Pic of a Lesion at the back of an old man that bleeds everytime he changes clothes. Management?

  1. Pic of a Lesion at the back of an old man that bleeds everytime he changes clothes. Management?





  1. Neonate with jaundice after few hours of birth. Cause?

Hemolytic anemia



  1. Ecg given for a 4 year old girl who had her vsd repair surgery done recently. Her pulses could not be felt. Management?

Immerse face in cold water




  1. Ct given (no abnormality could be seen) for a 45 year old woman who presented with severe headache and vomiting for 24 hours, mild neck stiffness. Previously well. Diagnosis?

Meningeal meningitis

Cryptococcus meningitis

Subarachnoid hemorrhage


  1. A young man treated with urethral discharge found to have neiserria on culture and treated with antibiotic but discharge persists even after antibiotic course. Gram stain done which shows polymorphocytes but no organism. Cause?

Reinfection with neisseria


E. Coli

  1. Radiation exposure of a ct is equal to how many xrays?






  1. Old man had pain after few minutes of walking, releived at rest. Pain travels down right thigh. Cause?

L4-L5 disc prolapse

Right common iliac artery stenosis

Right femoral artery stenosis

  1. A diabetic woman presents for routine checkup. Her bp is 150/something. Fundoscopy done and pic shown. It had flame hemorrhage, papilloedema, av nicking, asking for cause of these findings

Renal disease

Diabetic retinopathy

Hypertensive retinopathy

  1. New screening test for chlamydia in 50 year old patients. It has prevalence of 1% test has sensitivity and specificity of 95% what is the reason it cannot be implemented as screening test for mass population?

It has low sensitivity

Low specificity

Disease is not prevalent in this age group

  1. 50 yr old obese man with high blood sugar, high cholsterol 6.5, spider nivae, diagnosis

Cushing syndrome


  1. Lady started on carbimazole for hyperthyroidism. Presents with fever and sore throat agter 2 weeks. Cause?


Low leukocytes

Low complement level

  1. Nurse asked to given patient opiate but instead gives him panadol, you notice that. After giving the patient opiate, what to do next?

Talk to nurse and tell not to do again

Raise issue at board meeting

Report incidence

Report medicial board

Do nothing

  1. 25 yr old man presented after mva, he remembers the accident clearly, is vitally stable. Only complain is tenderness of left upper quadrant. Ct given (looked like splenic laceration) what to do next


Pneumococcal vaccine


  1. There is salmonella outbreak. You want to study.

Case control



Case report

  1. Patient with hazy cornea, headache, other signs of glaucoma. Immediate management





  1. Infant presented with a pit like lesion in front of ear. No discharge of any other symptoms. What to do


Do nothing

Refer to specialist

  1. Patient admitted with delirium but in hospital fell down and got his femur fractured. Upon discharge u tell him he needs some changes at house or stay at nursing home. He gets angry and starts blaming hosp. What to do

Add risperidone

Add olanzapine

Insist to stay at nursing home

Make him understand such things happen at hosp

  1. 75 yr old nursing home resident presents with vaginal discharge with blood. On examination ulcer seen in vagina. Cause

Lichen scelosis

Sexual abuse

Vulval cancer

  1. Infant presents with funny turns. Parents tell since one week the child raises abdomen, stretches arms. No cyanosis. Diagnosis?

Infantile spasm


  1. 34 wks primigravida presents for routine check up. Fundal height 32cm, fetal parts palpable, previous scans normal. Baby movements normal, cause?

Renal agenesis

Intrauterine growth restriction

Normal Constitutional size

Dating error

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