PLAB is cheaper, easy, passing rate is more

PLAB is cheaper, easy, passing rate is more. There are plenty of jobs there so you will get jb easily. Chances to find a training post are high. PLAB is like a Multi gun. PLAB +1 years experience from UK will exempt you from AMC exam. PLAB also gibe you exemption from license exam of dubai and first part of Ireland.
On papers Australia is a better country to live but as you are fresh graduate so you will not get a job in Australia unless you attach European experience on CV . Job competition is crazy in Australia now a days. So to fresh graduates from ASIA I will recommend PLAB. So select a place where it’s easy to find a job and that place is definitely UK at the moment.
UK has good point of easy jobs, more chances of training post, more desi life and asian community, shorter flights to Asia and bad points are less salaries and wetty weather and more work burdon and tough nationality rules.
Australia has good points of better weather , better salaries, less work burdon, good nationality rules but bad pints of too far from asia, no jobs, distant area jobs, less training chances as compared to UK. Most of the people change more than 2 countries in their career. So you can start from UK and then you can think of moving to Australia or CANDA or UAE or there are many more places to talk about. There are many Dr’s working in Australia who plan to move to Dubai after getting nationality and training.