Plasma is the acellular component of blood

:syringe:Plasma is the acellular component of blood.
:syringe:It contains clotting factors, proteins, Igs, cytokines…

:bulb:Types of plasma for transfusion:

1* FFP: frozen with 8 hrs of collection, contains all clotting factors.

2FP: frozen within 24 hrs of collection, contains less factor viii than FFP.
Pooled plasma: collected from multiple donors to increase the amount of clotting factors; carries higher risk of infection transmission.


:bookmark_tabs:In a large study it was found that 1/3 of plasma transfusions in PICU was not indicated.
:bookmark_tabs:Most patients with mild to moderate coagulopathy (i.e mild to moderate elevation of PT, aPTT)without bleeding were not senstive to plasma transfusion (i.e plasma did not improve coagulopathy).

:bookmark_tabs:As a bioactive subatance; plasma transfusion can cause many side effects :triangular_flag_on_post:e.g. infections, TRALI, Allergic reactions & overload…
:bookmark_tabs:Excessive plasma transfusion can cause citrate toxicity​:arrow_right: hypoCa, hypoMg…

:syringe:Dose of plasma transfusion:
:syringe:Plasma transfusion should be from ABO compatible donor, AB blood group is a universal donor for plasma.
:syringe:Plasma transfusion needs no compatibility testing or cross matching.
:syringe:Rh grouping is not needed for plasma transfusion.

:star2:When to transfuse plasma​:question:
1* Patients who received massive PRBCs transfusion (i.e 40-80ml/kg within 24 hrs).

2* Bleeding patients:

  • massive or critical bleeding.
  • Non massive bleeding only if:
    •INR > 2.
    •PT or aPTT ratio > 1.5
    :bulb:N.B Plasma transfusion doesn’t correct mild-moderate coagulopathy.

3* DIC.

4* Liver disease: if there is severe bleeding with abnormal coagulation testing.

5* Single clotting factor deficiency if the isolated factor is not available.

6* Warfarin toxicity.

7* Distressing Hereditary angioedema if C1 Esterase inhibitor is not available.

:bulb:Prophylactic plasma transfusion is recommended only befor surgery or invasive procedures if there is abnormal coagulation testing otherwise it is not recommended nor supported by evidence.