Please find 06/06/2019 recalls attached below:

Please find 06/06/2019 recalls attached below:

  1. MSE video: plumber known history of schizophreniform illness. He has stopped taking his medicines and has been brought by his partner for change in behavior. Present MSE to examiner

  2. Shortness of breath and lethargy in 42 years old female. Bloods provided showed microcytic anemia with low MCV. Explain results to patient, take history and DDx

##Iron deficieny anaemia – Medicine induced##

  1. Hip pain in 42 years old female, for 3/52 after completing 10km run. Observations given afebrile. Take history and give DDx with reasons

  2. 4 months old comes in with dehydration and 2 day hx of cough. Hx, PEFE (had wheeze), and immediate Mx


  1. 21month old comes in with being unable to walk. Take hx and give Mx

##Developmental Delay##

  1. Hematuria in 62 years old male. Take Hx, PEFE and DDx


  1. Father brings his 2year old child as he is worried that the child is not putting on weight. Hx, PEFE, Dx with Mx

##Fuzzy Eater##

  1. 27 year old come in with 34 weeks pregnancy, usual GP not around. US at 18 weeks prior showed larger than dates but otherwise normal. PE with Dx

  2. Acute abdomen in LIF. Vitals given and patient febrile 38 with diarrhoea. PE and DDx


  1. 42 years old lady had 3 kids already, currently on COCP but wants to change to Mirena. Take relevant Hx, explain the mirena coil and counsel appropriately

  2. 22 years old female comes in wanting referral to plastic surgeon for her nose. Take Hx, explain likely Dx and Mx.

##Body Dysmorphic Disorder##

  1. Post cholecystectomy day 1 fever. Observation chart given outside rest normal only Temp: 38. Take focused Hx, PEFE, Dx with Mx

##Pulmonary Atelectasis##

  1. Comatose patient found in hotel by housekeeper. Vitals normal afebrile. Real patient acting to be comatose. Ask you to assess GCS. Perform relevant PE and give 4 or more likely causes of coma. Knee hammer, Opthalomoscope, otoscope placed on table.

  2. 27 yo lady on COCP comes in for 4th time for vaginal thrush that started 3 months ago. Take Hx, PEFE and Mx.

##Recurrent Candidiasis##

  1. 32 years old male comes in with headache. Vitals provided only HR and BP. Had to ask for Temp. Take Hx and DDx


  1. Patient is taking short acting benzodiazepine, 3 times a day as son was recently diagnosed with ALL but is now in remission and patient’s stressors are better. Patient comes to you as friends say she is taking large amount and she is keen to stop. Take Hx, explain how to manage her diazepam and counsel her