Please find 21/02/20 recalls attached below:

Please find 21/02/20 recalls attached below:

  1. Cervical screening 27yo 1st time

HPV 16 +

Task: History + explain results + management

  1. Antenatal visit – 1st time seeing pt. Prenatal test so far all negative

Task: Hx, management

-Hx murmur

  1. 6 weeks postnatal check, vaginal birth, episiotomy + laceration repaired OT. Pain in intercourse. Leaking urine.

Task: PE, explain, management

  1. Pain on hand. Hand examination

Task: PE + DD, DDx

-RA + OA

  1. Viral infection 1 or 2 weeks before, now rash on leg. Picture of the rash given - petechia? Task: PE + DD, DDX


  1. Abd pain. Task: PE, DD, DDX

-Renal colic

  1. Chest pain – ST elevation.

Task: Explain ECG to examiner, focused hx from wife, management


  1. Gynecomastia – Hx of HTN and heavy drinker.

Task: PE + DD, DX and explain to pt

  1. Back pain after lifting a heavy box

Task: Hx, PEFE, DD, DDx

  1. Uni teacher advised pt to see doc for decreasing grades. Have same word on head that prevent him to finish task

Task: Psych Hx, DD, DDx

  1. Uni teacher advised pt to see doc. Pt believed she is smarter than colleagues

Task: psych hx, DD, DDx

  1. Nurse on phone – sick 3yo.

Task: Hx, PE from nurse, DD, DDx

  1. Sick baby + cough. Chest xray given.

Task: Hx, PE from card, DD, DDx, explain

  1. Old pt, chronic COPD, recurrent hospital admissions. Advanced care planning from 6 months ago – not for ressus or vent support. Pt admitted had 24hs of abx and corticoid and not responding.

Task: discuss with son diagnosis and management.

  1. Mother brought daughter for GP due to mild viral infection. Nurse checked immunization and is not up to date. Mother refused immunization.

Task: talk to mother to understand the reason and advice

  1. Female pt unwell + diarrhoea since day before.

Task: Hx, DD, DDX