Post-Partum Haemorrhage

There are two key aspects to management;
1. Immediate resuscitation
2. Identification of the cause

Resuscitation includes an ABCDE assessment with;
2x large bore cannulae FBC/clotting/G+S
IV fluids Blood transfusion
§Uterine atony;

Palpate and rub the uterus

Empty the bladder

IV syntocinon infusion (40 units in 4 hours)

§Lower genital tract injury;

Examine lower genital tract in lithotomy position

Suture any visible injury

If unable to control insert vaginal pack

§Retained placenta;

Failure to expel all of the placenta by 30 minutes

Prevents uterine contraction and #bleeding

Commence syntocinon infusion

Transfer to theatre for manual delivery

Requires stat dose of IV abx

§Other methods of stopping bleeding;

Suture placental bed Balloon tamponade

B-Lynch suture Uterine artery ligation