Pregnancy: what consequences for your perineum?

During pregnancy, the body undergoes hormonal, physiological, and morphological changes that affect the pelvic (perineum) floor. Via this article, we suggest you learn more and therefore, better after pregnancy and childbirth.

The consequences of pregnancy on perineum

Important hormonal secretion (estrogen and progesterone) along with Relaxin secretion induces:

A hyper ligamentary laxity

She finds herself at the level:

Pubic symphysis;


vertebral ligaments;

… along with all the other ligaments in the body

A muscle relaxation of the muscles of the abdominal and perineum.

The abdominal increases its wingspan by 40 cm by deporting forward which significantly increases lumbar lordosis, pelvis antéversion (forward pelvis) and visceral overload.

The weight of the uterus and viscera no longer rests on the ano-coccygean rafe (resistant ligament plane that extends from anus to coccyx), but on the vulvar cleft which increases the risk of prolapse (called vulgarly organ descent) …

This explains why, even in the case of caesarean delivery, perineal rehabilitation may be necessary.

Pregnancy and perineum: aggravating factors

When giving birth a number of factors are aggravating for the perineum:

Babies weighing above 3,600 kg

The cranial perimeter over 35 cm

Using material (forceps, spatulas)

The perineal tears

Abdominal expressions (pressing on mother’s stomach)

The duration of deportation

Weight gain above 13 kg

Post pregnancy perineum rehab

Perineal rehabilitation allows after a very accurate assessment, to improve or correct disorders:

Urinary (urine loss during exercise or even resting, compelling or too many desires compared to water intake)

Anal (Loss of gas or material)

Static (prolapse)

Pain (scar or internal).

Abdominal work not pressure generator (Bernadette de Gasquet method)

Consult with a properly trained health professional in these techniques that will accompany you throughout the perineum rehabilitation and answer all your questions.