Presentation and Physical examination of RCM:

Presentation and Physical examination of RCM:

>The diagnosis of restrictive cardiomyopathy should be considered in a patient presenting with heart failure, but no evidence of cardiomegaly or systolic dysfunction.

>Usually, patients present with fatigue and dyspnoea. Angina does not occur, except in amyloidosis in which it may be the presenting symptom.

>Patients may also present with thromboembolic complications.

>Cardiac conduction disturbances and AF are particularly common in idiopathic restrictive cardiomyopathy and amyloidosis.

>Heart block and ventricular arrhythmias are also common in cardiac sarcoidosis.

>JVP is elevated.

>Kussmaul’s sign , i.e. a rise or failure of JVP to decrease with inspiration.

>S3 of LV or RV origin may be present.

>Peripheral oedema or ascites and enlarged and pulsatile liver may be seen in progressed disease.