Public Information about _ human _ membership

Public Information about _ human _ membership

Number of bones… 206
Number of muscles… 639
The number of kidney… 2
The number of teeth is milky… 20
The number of ạḍbạʿ. 24 (12 kinds)
The number of ạjwạf in the heart… 4
The greatest artery… for
The blood pressure of normal… 120/80
P H blood… 7.4
The number of spine in the spine… 33
The number of rqby̰… 7
The number of bones in the middle ear… 6
The number of bones in the way… 14
The number of bones qḥf… 22
The number of bones at the top… 25
The number of bones in the arms and hours… 6
The number of muscles in the arm and human beings… 72
Number of pump in the heart… 2
The biggest member… Cover
The biggest transplant… liver
The smallest room… blood room
The smallest bone… sweatpants bone
First member link… heart
In the middle of a thick period… 1.5 meters
In the middle of the size of the opponent… 7 meters
In the middle of the weight of a baby child… 2.6
The speed of the pulse in one minute… 72 times
Body Heat 36.9 degrees inches.
In the middle of blood… 5 _ 4 litres
In the middle of the life of the red ḵry̰wạt… 120 days
Pregnancy course… 280 days
The number of bones in human feet… 33
The number of bones in each wrist… 8
The number of bones in each hand… 27
The biggest disease of the internal ups… is the disease of the
The biggest member of lmfạwy̰… spleen
The biggest room… the nervous room.