Reasons and easy treatment for stomach diseases in Ramadan

Reasons and easy treatment for stomach diseases in Ramadan

In the month of Ramadan, most of the stomach problems are caused by gas or constipation. In fact, these problems can also be included in our everyday foods that are best for health. So, the food and use of them. Need to know about use on the health of.

Foods that cause stomach problems

In the summer, watermelon is used more during the summer, because watermelon has a large amount of water, but there is really a type of Chinese in the watermelon that does not digest our meaning that does not digest the gas in the stomach. The reason can be an guess, one of every three is his victim.

Bwwạly̰ vegetables
Green Onion, garlic, onions are vegetables that have a lot of smell, and there is a special kind of fiber called Victoria which doesn’t know how it is not digest, and the cause of stomach problems.

Black Berries
Black Berries are rich with anti-products, but there is an episode called polyols with anti-products that remain in the stomach for a long time and the cause of stomach loss.

Mango is known as the head of all fruits, very few people who do not like mango, however, there are a large amount of glwḵws in the mango, but the amount of fructose is more than two sins that give birth to different problems of their stomach. Gives.

Potato the
Potatoes are also found in the that are affected by the diseases that are affected by a complaint of gas or stomach loss.

If the natural sweetness in the apple is not digest, it will face the problems of stomach loss, s and other problems.


It doesn’t mean to stop using these foods. If you have to face any of these food, use this food in the middle.

Add two spoon of water to one cup of water and let it cool down from ten to minutes. Use to times. It will be beneficial.

Add a cup of tea in a cup of water and let it cool down for ten to minutes and then drink it before or after eating.

Add a cup of hot water to a cup of hot water, cool for ten to minutes and drink it. Use it before eating or minutes after eating.