Returning traveler ( onset-duration-country-lab) likely organism

Returning traveler ( onset-duration-country-lab) likely organism.

1- short diarrhea+occasional blood + low fever >>>> E Cloi

2- Prolonged diarrhea + occasional blood>>> Entamoeba

3- Prolonged diarrhea+ bloating+no blood>>> Giardia

4- Bloody diarrhea +high fever+ abd pain >>>>> shigella

5-Constipation+fever+headache+>> Typhoid

6- Fever+ retrroorbital headache+ Asia>>>Dengue

7- Prolonged rice watery diarrhea+ dehydration>>> Cholera

8- Fever+ headache+ anemia and thrombocytopnea+ africa>>>> Malaria

9-Fever+ night sweat+ loss of weight +right iliac fossa tender>>> TB

10- Fever+ rash+ lymphadenopathy ± mouth ulcer>>>HIV seroconversion

11- Fever + rash (palm and sole)+ history of genital ulcer>>> Syphilis

12- Facial palsy + history of rash + Europe>>> Lyme disease

13- Abdominal symp+ history of chest symptom+ rash + esinophila>>> Strongyloides