Russian guy who got 267 ! translated version!

russian guy who got 267 ! translated version!

My history of preparation for step 1 (there will be many letters)
If you are not ready for self-sacrifice for a long period of time, then you are not here "

My name is Aksyonov Pavel. He studied in Vitebsk medical from 2007 to 2013 (greetings to fellow countrymen). This year in 2012 for the first time I heard about these your steppes, but had no clear idea. This information was relevant for me, my mother used to live in the United States for a long time, where I hoped to get over time. At that time (6th grade), English was practically at zero, however, I learned quite well. At some point, I realized that without a language, I would not be able to do anything further and began to study independently.

My experience in learning the language:

  • site lingualeo. Perhaps the best resource for self-study.
  • ESL podcast is the best that can be found in iTunes for ear training (especially like the releases of English cafe)
  • Family guy with subtitles :blush:
  • Every day, learn 10 words and repeat the studied (in the future I will once again emphasize the importance of repeating the material already studied
    It is necessary to be engaged every day even for an hour. All free time in queues, transport and etc. listen to podcasts in English (here you can add podcasts from the BBC and the lectures of Golyan, if the level allows).
    Months after 3 I was already well-versed in simple texts and could start reading honey literature. At first it will be hard because of the abundance of unfamiliar honey terms. The solution of the problem is as old as the world: write-learn-repeat. For a couple of months of this nudyatin, everything will become much more fun. At the same stage, you can start watching video lectures to train your ear. I used Kaplan. In a couple of weeks, there was no problem in mastering the material (of course, due to the fact that you know what it is about).

Starting in 2013, when the language was at a more acceptable level (the ability to understand the material), I began to look one-eyed at Kaplan’s nouts. All this was haphazard and frivolous, so I think it’s a waste of time.

From 13 to 14 he passed an internship in anesthesiology, continuing to improve his language and read the physiology and anatomy of the kaplan. Again, irregularly and without much effect.

From 14 to 16 he worked his serf service. At that time (and now) it was very popular to leave to work in Germany. I too was hooked on this idea, after which I rushed to learn German (and I learned it pretty well in the end), throwing my English and steppes.

After finishing my work I got an immigrant visa and from October 16 I live in the USA. Until January, according to old memory, every day I was engaged in German for 6-7 hours (I think that at that time I would have passed to C1). I know, it’s all pretty stupid, but I was afraid of this exam and could not get used to the idea
, that I’m doing something wrong.

Since January 8, 2017, I officially started preparing for the steppes. I made some conclusions for myself, based on previous mistakes. Here I want to make a digression in terms of preparation time. I could practice almost every day a foot-time, which is a luxury and is not possible for many people. I admire people who could combine preparation and work / study and pass the exam. Every day I practiced for 6-8 hours. If you feel tired, rest.

Separately about physical preparation for the exam.
To sit out 6-7 hours on the fifth point in one position is not so simple. My back started to ache on the fifth block. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to do any physical exercise at least three times a week. Personally, I went to tournaments / bars three times a week in the evenings and did an approach of 30-40 push-ups after reading the chapter or block of tests in preparation.

My “gentleman’s set” for preparation.
FA (the fresher the better)
Pathoma + video
Kaplan notes and video (except pathology and microbes, Bihave - optional, if passed brs and there is time)
Physiology of Constantzo (I took with the kaplan)
Brs behavioral science
HY neuroanatomy and embryology
Medical ethics (100 cases)
Pathology by Goljan (optional, especially if you listened to his lectures and used his laptops)
Questionnaires: q and a from the creators of FA (the best book questions bank), qbook Kaplan (not bad, especially if there is time)
Banks questions: Osmosis (freebie, but there are irrelevant issues). Kaplan. Rx. UW. I advise you to decide everything in this order.
DIT (I was in 2014). The best video lectures in my opinion. Very good at parallel run with FA.
A lot of screenshots and pictures from the Internet on the issues of concern (this is already your choice)
Abstract with the most tricky moments that you yourself are leading

I went in order as it was at the university. Anatomy-physiology-BH and so on. Although at the moment I understand that it is better to start with physiology, it will be easier to understand and not so boring.

The most important point in preparation is repetition. Every day, start your training with a repetition of the passed and poorly packed material. If you feel that something is forgetting - stick the sticker on this page and repeat for as many days as needed.

Test 1 - 85%
Test 2 - 89%
Rx - 92%
UW - 89%
NBME 13 246 28.07.17
nbme 15 244 12.08.17
Nbme 18 267 21.09.17
Nbme 19 269 24.09.17
Nbme 16 252 27.09.17
Nbme 17 259 30.09.17
UWSA1 269 28.08.17
UWSA2 260 15.09.17