Scientists warn of a potential wave of brain damage related to Corona

Scientists warn of a potential wave of brain damage related to Corona
Scientists warned Wednesday of a potential wave of coronavirus brain damage as new evidence suggests that COVID-@DIGITS can lead to severe complications of the nervous system including inflammation, psychosis and delirium.
A study conducted by University of London researchers described 43 cases of COVID-@DIGITS patients who suffered either from temporary brain dysfunction, strokes, nerve damage or other serious brain effects.
Research promotes recent studies that have also concluded that disease can infect the brain with damage.
Michael Zandi of the University of London Neuroscience institute co-supervising the study said ′′ We will see if we will witness a large scale pandemic of pandemic-related brain damage - it may be similar to the pandemic of carotid encephalitis pandemic in the s and 1918’s after the flu pandemic in 1918 ".
Covid-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, is essentially respiratory morbidity and affects the lungs, but neuroscientists and brain doctors say evidence shows that it has an alarming effect on the brain.
In the University of London study published in Bryn magazine, nine patients with encephalitis were diagnosed with a rare type called encephalitis and severe marrow that is more prevalent among children and may result from a viral infection.
Source: Day