Solved november 2018 recalls


If you have any second-thoughts about any of the answers listed below. We can discuss them all together.

Most common organism of Acute Otitis Media?
A) S.Pneumoniae
B) Moraxella
D) Staphylococcus Aereus
D) Mycoplasma
E) H. Influenza


14 month old Child with low grade fever, limping doesn’t let you examine him and refuses to walk, predorm of cold and URTI
A).Development Dysplasia of Hip
B) Perthes
C).Septic Arthritis
D) Transient Tenosinuvitis


A man with history of limb claudication on 100 meters relieved by rest, on examinations there was absent left femoral pulse and absent dorsalis pedis pulse, ABI was done and it was 0.25. What is the most appropriate test leading you to the diagnosis?
A) CT angiography (Saba)
B) Compression Doppler Ultrasound US
C) MR Angiogram
D) X-Ray
E) Arteriography


Aboriginal boy if found to be smoking marijuana, and is threatning everyone in ED to kill them, after calling security, what would be your first action?
A)Ask aboriginal worker,
B) discharge him,
C) call police,
D) hospitalize him


An old lady is on rasidronate or raloxifen presents with crushed vertebral fracture. She had a history for the same kind of fracture twice before. She had history of using prednisolone for some time. What’s your next step?
A) Continue same
B) Increase the dose
C) Change to Alendronate
D) Change to IV Zolendronic acid
E) Continue same with added Alendronate


A Patient want to cease smoking. He have tried for 4 times but develops severe restlessness and agitation. What is most important indicator to start nicotine therapy?
B) His 4 attempts of quitting
C) His severe symptoms of withdrawal
D) Restlessness


An obese pregnant patient with a BMI 31, has her BP measured with normal cuff at 12 weeks and 14 weeks was 150/100 and now is high as well 160/110. But no other signs and symptoms are noted. All the Tests are normal. Whats next?
A) Start Methyldopa
B) Start ACE Inhibitors
C) Start B Blockers
D) Take BP again with wide BP cuff


A post-thyroidectomy patient presnted with severe respiratory distress and stridor 3 hours after the surgery. What is your next step?
A) Intubate
B) Explore wound again under anesthesia
C) Open the wound in ward
D) Order an ABG


A Patient reports sudden onset of vertigo, nystagmus, ataxia and hearing loss in one ear. What is your diagnosis?
A) Labyrinthitis
B) Meningioma
C) Acoustic Neuroma
D) Minner’s disease
E) Lateral Medullary Syndrome


You are called by aged care facility to examine a patient. During exam she physically attacks you. What is your action?
A) Leave
B) Restrain her
C) Force her to stop
D) Call police


Patient with diplopia and weakness when looking upwards. Diagnostic test.
A) Nerve conduction studies
B) Tensilon test (Ocular Myasthenia Gravis)
C) Thyroid Function Test TFTs


A 40 yeas old patient with tonsillitis for which she took Amoxicillin,after 3 weeks she developed purpuric rash that is not blanching .She had fever and painful joints.What is your diagnosis?
A)Hypersensitivity vasculitis
B) Henoch Schonlein Purpura
C) Infectious Mononucleosis


An 8 month old baby is brought by his parents are they are concerned he is not babbling yet. The baby appears to respond well to sounds on examination. What is your management?
A) Reassure
B) Review in 6 months
C) Arrange Speech Pathologist Referral
D) ENT consultation


You came to know that your colleague have had access to personal health files. What would be your most appropriate action?
A) Tell Human Resource
B) Tell the Hospital Management
C) Tell the Legal health Department
D) Comfort your colleague
E) Ignore the act


A middle aged man who had a history of surgery for Achalasia a few years back presents to you with a complaint of hoarseness for 1 month and dysphagia for 2 weeks. On examination, vocal cord paralysis was noted and a mass in the thoracic inlet was seen in imaging. What is the probable diagnosis?
A) Cancer of the Larynx
B) Cancer of the Esophagus
C) Cancer of the Lung
D) Cancer of the Thyroid


A 10 years old girl has been referred for assessment of hearing as she is finding difficulty in hearing her teacher in the class. Her hearing tests show: BC normal, symmetrical AC threshold reduced bilaterally, weber test shows no lateralization. What is the single most likely diagnosis?

A) Chronic perforation of tympanic membrane
B) Chronic secretory OM with effusion
C) Congenital sensorineural deficit
D) Otosclerosis
E) Presbycusis


A woman which is on OCP presents with 3 episodes of post coital spotting in last week. No other abnormality was noted Pap test was normal 2 months ago. What’s your next management?
A) Pap test
B) HPV serology
C) Colposcopy
D) Pap thin smear


A 6 days child presented with vomiting, mixed jaundice, and a head circumference at the 2nd percentile with hepatosleenomegaly but no eye cataract. What is your next investigation?
A) Abdomen US
B) Barium swallow
C) Karyotyping


The most common neurologic complication of chronic renal failure is?
A) Peripheral neuropathy
B) Delirium
C) Seizures
D) Dementia
E) Labile affect


A 35 year old woman has a blood pressure of 160/90 mmHg at week 10 of her first pregnancy. She had recurrent urinary infections in childhood. Her urinalysis shows protein but no blood. Her blood tests show:
Haemoglobin 109 g/L
Serum urea 7.5 mmol/L n
Serum creatinine 125 μmol/L. inc
What is the most likely cause of her hypertension?
A) Chronic Glomerulonephritis
B) Chronic Pyelonephritis
C) Essential Hypertension
D) Pre-Eclampsia
E) Renal Artery Stenosis


A Child 2 years brought with drowsiness and irritated and dizziness after taking sips from the glasses from Mom’s and Dad’s glasses in a party. What is your initial test?

A) Blood alcohol
B) Bood glucose
C) Magnesium level
D) Blood culture


A Wife with flirtatious behavior with husband’s friends and repeated cleaning and was flirting with me too but later became abusive and irritated. What is your management?
A) Clozapine
B) Lthium
C) Diazepam


Patient with a terminal illness have requested to die. What is your step?

A) Refuse
B) Assess Suicidal Risk
C) Respect his wishes
D) Suggest him ways to die


A patient developed a rash immediately after administering IV vancomycin. What is your diagnosis?
A) Idiosyncratic reaction
B) Anaphylaxis
C) Steven Johnson Syndrome
D) Toxic shock

B (C takes couple of days. Red man syndrome if infussed very fast)

A wife brought his husband who was not eating anything for 3 days with melachonic depression. He said he will die if eat. What you wil do next?
A) ECT approval from mental health tribunal
B) ECT approval under duty of care
C) ECT care with consent from wife
D) ECT approval after discussion of 2 psychiatrists
E) Insert NG and Give food


Good Luck