Some answers are still missing

some answers are still missing !

  1. patient with multiple fibroids: mirena (IUS)

  2. Tingling in pregnant pt:median nerve at wrist

  3. Hemophilia :1:2 chances of male child

  4. CF: 1:2 chances

  5. Study in which patients were given a drug:Clinical trials

  6. Rhabdomyolysis: measure CK

  7. No gastric bubble:esophageal atresia

  8. Raised ALP:Pagets disease

  9. Metoclopramide side effect

  10. AKI after diarrhea

  11. Staph aureus:breast abscess

  12. Testicular torsion: surgical intervention

  13. irregular pupil :iridocyclitis

  14. Biguanides for diabetic

  15. metformin

  16. Phosphate enema

  17. Resp alkalosis abgs

  18. Candida albicans

  19. Impetigo

  20. chest infection: delirium

  21. lewy body: visual hallucination

  22. COCP contraindication: migraine with aura

  23. hypercalcemia treatment: IV fluids

  24. 60mg subcut morphine continuously for 24 hours

  25. Prostate cancer

  26. placental abruption

  27. crohns disease

  28. sertraline after MI

  29. serum gastrin level

  30. 0.9% Normal saline to prevent contrast induced renal damage

  31. iv fluid in high glucose (DKA)

  32. cerebral malaria: thick and thin film

  33. complete DNR form

  34. urgent referral to eye: hypertensive retinopathy

  35. Abr: newborn child audiogram

  36. dexamethasone test for cushing

  37. IUS: fibroid, menorrhagia, dysmenuria

  38. prochlorperazine: vertigo

  39. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

  40. Woman, confused and had urine incontinence: seizure

  41. bipolar disorder: episode of mood changes

  42. Aortic stenosis

  43. lymphedema

  44. MRI spine: bone mets

  45. eye symptoms after change from fluoxetine to some other drug: urgent referral to ophthalmologist

  46. itching after bath: scabies

  47. indapamide : stop in diarrhea

  48. Ask your friend to go to GP

  49. Cushing syndrome

  50. Single toxic adenoma

  51. Fluconazole suspension

  52. Posterior semicircular canal

  53. teratoma

  54. ductal papilloma

  55. barium swallow

  56. lymph node biopsy

  57. ascending cholangitis

  58. LMWH for DVT in pregnancy

  59. MCA infarct

  60. Amniocentesis

  61. Temporal bone fracture

  62. ESWL for stone

  63. Prednisolone for nephrotic syndrome

  64. Stop driving both car and lorry

  65. Confront the staff

  66. Admit for IV antibiotics

  67. Pelvic floor exercises

  68. Psychotherapy for PTSD

  69. TOF with 70% sats

  70. Consult consultant for colleague discussion

  71. High BMI man: diabetic

  72. Stop simvastatin if giving erythromycin

  73. DC cardioversion

  74. Schizophrenia scenario: sinner because of traffic ticket

  75. GCS 9

  76. ITP in a preg lady

  77. Hemorrhoids: bright red blood, painless

  78. Lifestyle modification

  79. Strep pneumonia:meningitis

  80. Rejecting ECT: discuss alternate treatment

  81. 5% dextrose

  82. Carbimazole for hyperthyroidism

  83. Unequal bp in both arms:CT aorta

  84. Occupational death:coroner

  85. Drowsy infant:secure airway

  86. Hydrocortisone 1% for eczema

  87. Spinal cord compression

  88. Constitutional delay

  89. Chlordiazepoxide

  90. thiamine

  91. Repeat cervical smear in 6months

  92. SAH: worst headache

  93. Colorectal carcinoma

  94. Somatization

  95. Achalasia

  96. Duloxetine: neuropathic pain

  97. Alzheimer, signing will:assess mental capacity

  98. Prophylactic antibiotics in meningitis

  99. Hypothyroidism

  100. Woman with headaches and progressive weakness in hand: MS

  101. Old lady with Alzheimer still driving? Inform DVLA

  102. Varicocele

  103. Joint aspirate microscopy

  104. Paresthesia in ring and little finger:ulnar nerve

  105. morphine overdose : low respiratory rate

  106. Adhere to advanced directive

  107. best marker to diagnose asthma/COPD: fev1/fvc

  108. chest x ray after some respiratory issue

  109. Panic disorder: sertraline

  110. Epididymorchitis

  111. Hemophilia

  112. SLE:ANA

  113. stress glycosuria

  114. obstructive sleep apnea

  115. Immediate investigation in a patient with 2hrs of chest pain: ECG

  116. iv ceftriaxone meningitis

  117. Hematuria+HTN: Renal US

  118. Patient had prostrate ca but presented now with features of UTI: Urine c/s

  119. Drowsy patient after surgery: Anesthesia reaction

  120. Systemic vasculitis

  121. Ds dna: SLE

  122. Breast lump: core biopsy or reassure?

  123. anorexia nervosa reluctant to admission: Urgent follow up with dietician or compulsory admission

  124. vomiting after every feed and otherwise normal child: pyloric stenosis or GERD?

  125. pt with symptoms of hypothyroidism but low MCV: Thyroid function test or Ferritin?

  126. esophagal cancer/ achalasia?

  127. Atrophic vaginitis or endometrial Ca?

  128. Family Hx of depression or female?

  129. Asymptomatic bactiuria in aged patient: change catheter

  130. Hot flushes:cocp. Cyclical cocp

  131. genetic counselling

  132. Dyskinesia? Side effect of antiparkinson

  133. Antibodies to syphilis or PCR?

  134. svt adenosine

  135. stop gliclazide on day of surgery

  136. iv hydrocortisone asthma acute exacerbation

  137. Sleep hygiene or sleep clinic?

  138. Painkiller for lithium taking lady?

  139. Blood Culture after mechanical valve and surgery

  140. Ptosis, progressive eye swelling?

  141. Pulmonary contusion

  142. Patient with recurrent glioblastoma developing polyuria, Reason? SIADH

  143. fracture after falling outstretched hand: distal radial or buckle fracture?

  144. behavioral therapy: child over 5 for day night incontinence

  145. papers to admit the patient? Or sedate the patient.

  146. Thiazide induced hypercalciuria?

  147. Agoraphobia or social anxiety?

  148. Xray: bronchopleural fistula

  149. Spina bifida: intermittent catheterization

  150. 6wks preg with PV bleed : Repeat US in a week

  151. Hyponatremia: Cerebral edema

  152. Vit d deficiency

  153. influenza vaccine in splenectomy

  154. nifedipine

  155. Child had 3 epi of tonsillitis:No treatment required

  156. Femoropopliteal occlusion

  157. thiamine

  158. wash all the parts in clean warm water with liquid dishwashing detergent; Allow the parts to air dry

  159. Infentile spasm

  160. Oral chloraphemine

  161. ulnar nerve or axillary nerve?

  162. Repeat abgs in one hr

  163. oral amoxicilin: lymes rash

  164. adenoma of parathyroid?

  165. pelvic xray in a lady with hip pain

  166. Child with severe diarrhoea 5-6 times/day, vomiting and dehydrated. Most initial step. Electrolytes and urea

  167. no treatment for uti kid

  168. change to other antipsychotic:3 months taking ssri but no relief?

  169. prednisone for polymyalgia rheumitica

  170. staph aureus pneumonia: bilateral cavitation , young person

  171. True positive

  172. 24 hrs pH monitoring or barium swallow?

  173. chorioamnionitis (i am not sure whether or not it was in the exam)

  174. bronchiectasis

  175. Isosorbide nitrate - postural hypotension

  176. Chlamydia cervicitis