Some golden points for step 1 as I am a new scorer:

Some golden points for step 1 as I am a new scorer:

They may test you about latest health status of USA like -most common cause of SIDS or percentage of cause that is responsible in most cases, MMR or IMR. This may cover from Statistics. So be updated. This is my point of view.

You may get stucked in any topic, if you can’t understand, you may search it on usmle forum. Just write on google- V/Q mismatch usmle forum. If you don’t write usmle forum, you may got thousands of links which may kill your valuable time. You will find some core information which is needed for step 1 exam. Extra information from other group would be time killer.

Before 3/4 days of exam, you may read explanations about answers of some nbme from usmle forum. I was read explanation of nbme 11, 13, 15, 16 from usmle forum and it add at least 5/6 points in my real score. Each explanation has 2/3 lines, so less time needed here but valuable for real exam. Dont’t read question, just answer and regarding explanation.

If you have no experience to take short acting BDZ or any other sedatives before, you shouldn’t take it just before the exam day, this drug may act on you more or less because you have no idea. If it acts more than normal, what would be the situation in the exam hall?? Thats why i didn’t take sedative on last night because i have no experience before.

Suppose you are weak in particular topics like V/Q mismatch or Herdy Weignberg equation or pedigree calculation or acid base disorder. You can solve the questions from nbme at a glance. You can search on google by pedigree nbme 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 usmle forum, V/Q mismatch on nbme 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 usmle forum. By this way, you can solve your particular weak area at a time and surely it will boost up your score.

You may by tested by some unusual option but you must choose am usual option. Suppose 5 options are mirrizi syndrome, noonan syndrome, wilson disease, Merlin syndrome and Menkes disease. Surely, wilson is the most discussed option among them. If you are totally blind about the question, you may choose most common thing because they test you about common thing. Trust me, they don’t test you by noonan syndrome or mirrizi syndrome. Another example, your option has mebomian gland, sweat gland, nail, hair. All of these are skin appendages. I am sure all of you know sweat gland is most discussed topics, multiple questions you read on UW, FA etc. If you are completely blind about the answer, you may choose sweat gland and may be you would be correct. I didn’t apply this technique and i lost at least 3/4 marks. But if you are sure about the answer, pls don’t apply this above mentioned technique.

You will get some very easy questions, at that time you should be more careful because more psychological relaxation may subconsciously lead to choose you wrong option. So be careful. When I got some easy question, I thought wow!! its very easy, then I relaxed my spinal muscle, moved my body with chair, answered with casual mood and I got it absolutely wrong. In bengali we call ঢিলামি বা আলসেমি ( laziness). I lost some points here.

You must go to bed earlier than 10 pm for at least 5/6 days before exam. You are not sure how much time you will get for a good nap. Such as, I went to bed at 10 pm, may be I slept within 10:45 pm, but unfortunately I was awake at 3:50 am. I tried to sleep for at least 1 hour but can’t. Luckily I was able to sleep for 6 hours. if I was awake at 2 am, what happened with just 3 hrs sleep in my exam hall??

Lastly, most of the examinees are weak in biochemistry at initial phase. Don’t worry, after second phase of UW, you will be master of biochemistry, be confident pls. I didn’t do Turco’s video except genetics and lab techniques(PCR, blotting etc). I love to read book named ABC biochemistry by Bangladeshi Writer prof Dr Mozammel Haque. Bangladeshi student can read this book specially genetics, acid base disorder and RTA. These topics are discussed here very nicely.

Don’t lose hope. You may be old graduate or may not cope up with the stress of tough topics, but you would be the boss after Several months with a good score.

Don’t be afraid after seeing my post, these are just my observation, you may be different than me, no problem. I have written it for you as I also got help from this group.

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