Specialisation – neurology

Knowledge, experience and skills in:
the general content of training for Sections B and C
the prevention, detection, treatment, care and rehabilitation of neurological diseases and defects
the neurological-psychiatric medical history, including biographical and psycho-social contexts, psychogenic symptoms, and psychosomatic reactions
the diagnosis and monitoring of neurological, physical and neuro-rehabilitative
treatment method
the diagnosis and evaluation of neuroradiological procedures
interdisciplinary diagnostic and therapeutic collaboration with other occupational groups of health care such as physiotherapy, speech therapy, neuropsychology and occupational therapy, including their diagnosis and monitoring
appropriate measures
indication of the socio-therapeutic measures
the area-based drug therapy
the basis of area-based tumor therapy
palliative care services to be supplied incoming patients
geriatric syndromes and neurological sequelae, including pharmacotherapy in age
the basis of relevant neurological sleep and vigilance
the basics of behavioral neurology and neuropsychology
the foundations of hereditary diseases, including the indications for genetic counseling
the diagnosis of brain death
the indications, proper sample collection and treatment of laboratory tests and classification of the results in the disease pattern
basic supply of critical care
the acute treatment of addictions

Examination and treatment procedures:



electroneurography including cortical magnetic stimulation

visual, somatosensory, auditory and motor evoked potentials

functional diagnosis of the autonomic nervous system

functional analysis in peripheral and central motor disorders and balance disorders

functional analysis of voice, speech and swallowing disorders

neurootological examinations eg experimental nystagmusprovocation, spinovestibulaire, vestibulospinal and central tests

behavioral neurological and neuropsychological test method

sonographic studies of the nervous system and muscles as well Doppler/Duplex investigations extraand intracranial vessels supplying the brain

neurological disorders finding survey of the higher brain functions, for example, the selfperceptions and deficit, the motivation, the drive, which communication, attention, memory, spatial abilities, thought, action, creativity,

preparation of rehabilitation plans, monitoring and evaluation of epicritic ,use of rehabilitation procedures

puncture and catheterization techniques, including the procurement of specimens from the liquor system

infusion, transfusion and blood replacement therapy, enteral and parenteral nutrition