Step 1 : 253 Total prep time : 8.5 months

Step 1 : 253
Total prep time : 8.5 months
Sources: Uword system wise then random ( total 2 times)
FA 2018 plus new changes in FA 19 ( do as many times as you can).
Bnb for selected topics.
Uword biostat review
Cornard 100 cases of ethics
Kaplan lectures of biochemistry and neuro anatomy only.

Assessments: nbme 21: 259
Nbme 22:257
Nbme 18:261
Nbme 17 (offline) 20 mistakes
Free 120:88%

Exam was doable if you have done UFAP. Ethics and biostatistics was grey area for me in every assessment and in exam .
Sleep well before exam, your concentration is your score!
This group helped me a lot
Good luck !