Step-by-step diagnostic approach

Early recognition and rapid diagnosis are essential to prevent transmission and provide supportive care
in a timely manner. Have a high index of clinical suspicion for COVID-19 in all patients who present with
fever and/or respiratory symptoms and who report a travel history to an affected area or close contact with
a suspected or confirmed case in the 14 days prior to symptom onset. Evaluation should be performed
according to pneumonia severity indexes and sepsis guidelines (if sepsis is suspected) in all patients with
severe illness

There is limited information available to characterise the spectrum of clinical illness. Much of the information
in this section is based on early evidence, analysis of case series and reports, and data from previous
betacoronavirus infections such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory
syndrome (MERS). You should consult local guidance for further detailed information as the situation is
evolving rapidly.