The benefits of beet may not be aware before

The benefits of beet may not be aware before

It is famous as turnip like turnip. It is red from outside and inside. It is similar to spinach leaves. The taste of beet is sweet like carrots like carrots, Pakistan, Pakistan, North Africa and Europe. It is cultivated. Even though its wild type, but they are considered useless for both kẖwạrḵ and treatment.

The Root of the beet and leaves are used in kẖwạrḵ. It is baked as salad. Boiled and eat it. It is baked as a curry with meat. It’s pickles.
Hazrat Sahl Bin Saad (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that a woman used to cook the beet with the flour that she started getting herbs. This food was made on Friday. All Muslims would have been waiting for Friday because she Eat this food after Friday prayer. (Bukhari)
Hazrat Umm Al-Ạlmndẖr (peace be upon him) says, my house came to the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and with him Hazrat Ali (RA) was also with him. I was hanging the fruit of dates at that time. His service I was presented. They both ate and during that the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said to Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him), " do not eat more now that you are weak because of getting up from the disease. Then I The Curry of beet for them and the bread that baked. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, " Yes! Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) you eat that it is useful for you.
Treatment of liver and fried diseases from beet

Eating beet is better than eating beet and reduces the inflammation of fried. If the water of beet is drank with honey, it reduces the growing fried and removes obstacles born in the liver. Honey and beet The water is not only useful in jaundice, but also the treatment of stone or obstacles created by other reasons.
The observations that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) are the opposite of the observations of the Prophet (peace be upon him). The Prophet (peace be upon him) has given the curry of beet for Hazrat Ali (RA) Liked the time when they rise from the disease. They were feeling the truth. in such a way they wanted to digest food that could easily digest and remove their weakness. For this is why Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) If you liked the curry of beet, it is sure that this curry had the ability to remove weakness and digest soon.
If you consider the chemistry of beet, then the most important thing that comes in front is the presence of gratitude in it. Usually this quantity is 24 percent. It is common that people during disease or this They give glucose for weakness after weakness. I swear to gratitude and sign, go inside the body and turns into glucose after a short process. So even if you look at other ingredients of beet, then thank you The presence of weakness will surely be beneficial for weakness. No matter how vegetable and fruit are, there is in a large quantity that removes constipation.

Pain and pain treatment of tooth and inflammation

By taking out the juice of the roots of the beet, if it is thrown into the nose, then the headache and tooth removes the pain immediately. If it is done in the inflammation of the eyes and jealousy of the eyes. The beet is oil. It is useful to put it to a burning place in olive. The water of white beet has good effects in liver diseases.

Effects on beet hemorrhoid and constipation

Boil the beet of beet in water and a cup of this water goes away from drinking an hour before breakfast, and the intensity of hemorrhoid is reduced. Most people in Europe and Asia boil the beet of beet and eat. Use as salad as salad.

Effects on feminist organs of beet

The Red Beet is considered to be nutritious organs. It is useful for the weakness of mercy as a vegetable or its jwsẖạnd ہ for a long time.

Benefits of beet in diseases skin

It is useful to boil the beet of beet in the skin wounds, bf ہ and dry itching in water and vinegar. It disappears the land of the head four times. Due to the presence of vinegar, it is also useful in the itching. Is it.
Beet is a reliable medicine for a useful and nutritious food and itching types of itching.

Other benefits of beet

Take out the water of the beet leaves and bud it with it, it keeps on the pain of teeth. Some of the ṭbạʾ think that there is no pain after doing this. If the hair of the head is less then wash with the water of the beet. While Najam Al-Ghani Khan in it propopura earth and proves to lapping on the swelling of hands and feet.
The ingredients of the beet are hands, while its water closes the friends. Eating the red type is useful in weakness and weakness and weakness. If it is eaten in a mustard and vinegar and vinegar and fried friends. It takes out. Eating it for a long time benefits the pain of pain and pain and couples.
This recipe is useful in reducing the intensity of epilepsy. Hakim Mufti fazal ur rehman has written that cut the skinny of the beet and grow them in the water. with this water, pain and swelling by washing the couples. Goes.
Ạṭbạʾ wrote that it is useful to add vinegar and flax for the correction of beet, because doing this way does not create a stomach.
(Al-Ạlmạkẖwdẖ: Faizan Medicine Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him))))

Benefits of beet juice.

Saint Louis: after heart tour, the patients are stronger by suck the juice of beet because there is a large amount of night in the beet.

There was an important study in the Washington University school of medicine, which was known that only 2 hours of drinking juice, it seems good effects on the players and running before the runs were given to drink beet juice. So 13 % improvement was noted in their performance after that doctors tested it on patients who had tolerated the heart attack.

According to study, 9 patients were banned for this, so after 2 hours, the performance of quick and fast work was seen in their heart muscles but the performance was not more effective in a very long test. According to experts, beet immediately controls blood pressure when it strengthens the muscles muscles in the age people.