The diagnosis of congenital megacolon is confirmed by

The diagnosis of congenital megacolon is confirmed by

1.Clinical features
2.Barium enema
3.Rectal biopsy


S. Das writes - "The symptoms appear within 3 days of birth and the presenting features are as follows:
Abdominal distention"
Nelson writes - "The clinical symptoms of Hirschprung disease usually begin at birth with the delayed passage of meconium."
Loud borborygmi is heard due to intestinal obstruction.
About stool Nelson writes -
“The stools when passed may consist of small pelletes, may be ribbon-likel or may have fluid consistency; the large stools and fecal soiling of patients with functional constipation are absent.”

Also know
a large fecal mass may be palpable in the left lower abdomen, but on rectal examination the rectum is usually empty of feces (feces in rectum are found in functional constipation).