The Herpes encephalitis

Herpes encephalitis >> Do MRI >> Give IV acyclovir
Temporal lobe>> HSV
Occipital lobe>> HZV

Herpetic genital ulcers ( multiple-painful)>>> PCR (ulcer or urethral discharge )>>>>Oral Acylcovir

Herpetic Keratitis >>>>IV and local Acyclovir ( Never ever steroid here )

Ramsy Unt syndrome ( facial palsy+ Herpetic lesion at auditory canal )>>> Oral Valcyclovir+ steroids

Chickenpox >>> IV immunoglobulins within 7 days of exposure ( if non immune ) >>>Once rash , no role for Igs AND give oral acyclovir .

Varicella pneumonia (with chickenpox rash)>>> IV acyclovir